沈阳远大铝业工程有限公司佛山分公司隶属于中国500强企业远大中国控股之全资子公司——沈阳远大铝业工程有限公司,于2011年5月17日成功在香港联合交易所上市(股票代码:HK02789),是国家建设部首批授予的建筑幕墙甲级设计和施工一级企业,是中国最大及全球第二大的幕墙制造商。我们成功于全球各地完成510个项目,包括许多世界知名的地标性项目,例如中国2010年上海世博的主题馆、国家游泳馆(又名「水立方」)、国家体育场(又名「鸟巢」)、法兰克福航空铁路中心、日本COCOON大厦及迪拜商业湾Executive Towers。自 1993 年成立以来,远大历经19年的稳健发展,分别在中国沈阳、上海、成都、佛山建立了四个大型生产制造基地。公司连续11年综合排名位居中国同行业之首,连续8年产销量世界第一。至2011年底,远大共荣获58项中国建筑优质工程奖最高奖——鲁班奖,成为建筑幕墙行业内获此殊荣次数最多的企业。2011年3月4日,远大中标了中国第一高楼,世界第二高楼——上海中心大厦幕墙工程,展现了公司幕墙全国第一的实力。
Shenyang Yuanda Aluminium Industry Engineering Co.,Ltd was established in 1993 and has achieved a leading position in the manufacture of building facade systems. At present, it is the largest curtain wall manufacturing company based in China. In 2007, Yuanda built a modern Industrial Park in Shenyang, covering 1km2, which is the largest curtain wall manufacturing centre in the world. The other four manufacturing bases are located in Shenyang, Shanghai, Chengdu and Foshan. All the manufacturing bases are equipped with the most advanced production and processing facilities, with the total annual production capability of 20,000,000m2. The CNC machines are sourced from Elumatec (Germany) and Gasparini (Italy), and the company has extensive and highly automated sheet metal processing facilities.
With the rapid and innovative development process that has taken place over the past 18 years, Yuanda has established International branches in Japan, Germany, USA, Australia, Russia, UAE, UK,France, Singapore, Macau, Canada, India, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. In 2008 Yuanda Europe was established in Switzerland. Presently, the Yuanda operational network covers more than 30 countries.
"To do things honestly, to treat people sincerely"; it is that ethos combined with the company's advanced technology, efficient high-quality production and innovative design that has made Yuanda one of top facade companies in the world.